La negoziazione internazionale come processo psicologico

La negoziazione internazionale come processo psicologico

International Negotiation as Psychological Process : Cognitive theory and techniques for analysis and training


Francesco Aquilar and Mauro Galluccio

We live in a constantly changing and evolving globalized society. Often changes are the result of international negotiations, which should help actors to achieve positive solutions through peace processes without losers.

The Authors in this volume, through cognitive psychology/psychotherapy and political sciences knowledge and experience, analyze a wide set of theories and data to try to explain functions, dysfunctions and possible improvements of both positive and especially negative negotiation processes.

Highlights of the coverage:
• Cognition and emotions in contextual negotiations
• Characteristics and personality traits of proactive negotiators
• Contrasting views of war and international crisis
• Meta-communication and meta-cognition in negotiating working relationships
• Emotional keys to cope with stalemates and potential spoiler attitudes
• Summary of a Cognitive-oriented training program for negotiators
• Practical Guide sections linking theoretical and practical/operative aspects

The authors’ premise is clear: peace and stability create winners on all sides.

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